About Us

Vivek Chetana owes its existence to the inspiring words of Pravrajika Muktiprana Mataji and the blessings of Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission. Motivated by the soul – stirring ideals of Swamiji and imbued with a great sense of purpose “to do something” for the betterment of distressed and disadvantaged women and children in the community our founders created this organisation in 1984. From the humble precincts of the office at 2/3 D Keyatala Road, Vivek Chetana has spread its sheltering wings wide to care for women and children who are sorely in need of some kind of assistance and attention.The focus ,throughout all these years, has been to positively impact lives and foster self–reliance and empowerment in urban as well as rural spheres.

Vivek Chetana has successfully implemented several programmes in the areas of health and education for economically disadvantaged, physically challenged women and children. Its success has added enthusiasm to its mission, enhancing  its desire to undertake similar projects  aimed at bringing about a worthwhile improvement  in its objective, which is doing community work in the neglected areas of the society.


Krishna Sen

Bandana Dasgupta

General Secretary:
Anuva Putatunda

Asst. Secretary:
Anasua Mitra

Asst. Secretary: Indrani Bhattacharyya

Aparajita Nag

Debjani Chatterjee, Gargi Ghosh, Chandrima Datta Gupta, Debosmita Ghosh,
Shipra Biswas, Sanghamitra Ghosh, Jayanti Bhattacharya

Administrative Officer:
Srimonti Bhattacharya